Most people think their wedding morning will be chaotic, busy and rushed but I'm sharing 4 tips to make it feel the complete opposite. You should feel relaxed, happy and excited going into the biggest day of your life!

1. Order breakfast, coffee & mimosas. Eat & drink them! Once the day kicks into high gear, you may be so caught up in the commotion and excitement that you don't get to sit down to really enjoy a full meal. Make it a priority to get yourself a healthy, filling breakfast the morning of your wedding & actually take the time to eat it! (I didn't get the chance to eat any of the food at our wedding -- too busy dancing and saying hello to people -- so I was really glad I ate a big breakfast that morning & thankful that I had brought a box of Cheerios to our hotel room for after the wedding haha)

2. Wear a custom outfit. You're about to put on the most gorgeous outfit you've ever worn, but why wait until that special outfit? Kick off your morning with a custom/fun outfit to wear while getting ready. I opted for 'Bride' pajamas. If it's in your budget, get cute outfits for the people getting ready with you as well. I gifted each of my friends/family members who were getting their hair/makeup done with me a robe to wear.

3. Designate a babysitter for your phone. People will call you on your wedding day - vendors who are arriving & looking for you, family members who are looking for directions, people calling to say congratulations, etc. You don't need the headache of dealing with any people/questions on your wedding day (I mean that in the nicest way, but it's true!) Your only focus on your wedding morning should be yourself & your future hubby. Hand your phone over to a family member who can answer questions and direct people to the proper contact. 

4. Make a playlist. We all have those songs that put us in a happy/fun loving mood.  Choose ALL of them and put them on a playlist for your wedding morning! 

Michelle Paige